Reconnecting Our Lost Ancestral Heritage
Adults at one point in their childhood have been given a lifetime tag by society it’s called “Adoptee.” It brings many unhealthy issues from childhood through the teenage years, and into Adulthood. They can’t grow as others citizens grow for an adoptee has had branches of their family cut and then drafted on to others people trees.
Society need to help families who are in need of a “helping hand up” not the other way round, “a hand down” with the adoption laws that continue to remove an child identity.
No amount of training will make children fit into another world, their void, for nature has its ways of tell them to find home and home is where the heart is beating by DNA. It might be broken, lost and harm by other human but it still home that connection can never be change by adoption.
We are at cross road in humanity.
Community children in need are looking for compassionate from the government to help family in need, children their rights are not been protected to be within their natural unit; parents, sibling’s, grandparents, cousins in their circle of life what they need is the help of people giving them a hand up not a hand down to grow.
Within These Walls Inc symbolises the “wall of silence” for adoptees, the “wall” marks a place beyond which they could not go when stripped of their original identity and family lineage. Within These Walls is therefore a metaphor for those affected; a haven, a place to meet, a sanctuary to help each other, to find a trail to our lost family and loved ones.
We have a Facebook page called, “Within These Walls” This open FB group is where we post assistance of an hand up for those affected by adoption to find where the files and other information are keep within the Australian states. Our FB DNA page is called. Australians Affected by Adoption Reconnecting By DNA
Our Financial members have two haven secret group on FB to talk and feel safely in.
Those currently affected by adoption are now using their own DNA looking to reconnect kinfolk through the results of DNA testing we are moving from that human aliens tag “Adoptees” to becoming Real Human once again, finding family and cousins across Australia, in all Australian States including the USA, UK and Canada, who are welcomed us back home.
Societies can change by listening to our voice as we grow in unity they are seeing currently adoption laws are harming the next generation of children;
We need a more healthily, more inform, society working towards a better way to assist children in all fields of life.